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The Great Reveal
How has the Divine Feminine been suppressed?

Why and how does it impact you?

Honor system

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A Deeper Look at Suppressing Women’s Rights


5 Seminar Series, on Wednesday,

Oct. 16, 23 & 30, Nov. 6 & 13, 2024 ~ 6:30-8:00 pm PST


Deepening into the Magdalene Mysteries
Webinar Series 




Welcome to The Great Reveal!

Scholars - Mystics - Social Justice Artists - Authors

Speak to the insanity of our times - the suppression of Women and Herstory

This 5-part seminar series started on Wed. Oct. 16th from 6:30 to 8 pm PT 

Here is the Free Replay for the first seminar


We will delve into the depths of both Ancient and Modern day suppression. The efforts and intention of suppression have blocked our own leadership and awakening... making it easier to strip our rights away.



The 5th and final webinar
The Great Reveal: the Divine in You!

Screenshot 2024-11-23 at 1.59.16 PM.png

Seminar #2 Oct. 23


Priestess Diana Kelly

Dan Morse

Dan Morse


Seminar #3 Oct. 30th Author Sylvia Binsfeld

FullSylvia Binsfeld 2019_headshot.JPG

Join us online to uncover how has the Divine Feminine been suppressed and explore why and how it impacts you.


This 5-part seminar series started on Wed. Oct. 16th from 6:30 to 8 pm PT 

Here is the Free Replay for the first seminar


We will delve into the depths of both Ancient and Modern day suppression. The efforts and intention of suppression have blocked our own leadership and awakening... making it easier to strip our rights away.


 Here is a current example that I didn't see coming. They are now saying the private part out loud:


Raise Her UP!

Your Gift for Joining us!

My Gift to you:
Magdalene and the Goddess Crop Circles
For educational use only

Priestess Christy Michaels, M.A. shares her mystical experiences with Magdalene and the Crop Circles. She begins with part 1, leading you on an adventure into the mystical Crop Circles that appeared on the Feast Days of Mary Magdalene.  These profound circles tell us the stories about her Gospel - the Gospel of Mary Magdalene and the rise of the Divine Feminine.  


She continues this video on part 2 which has one of the most powerful stories that clearly helps us to understand the rise of the Goddess and how important the equality of the Divine Feminine is with the Divine Masculine. 


Credits at the end to the Crop Circle researcher's who allow their images to be used for educational and non-commercial use.  Please donate to them so they can continue their work. 


Music credit to Christine Tulis songs from her Portal album: Portal and Light beings. To learn more go to Christine’s website,  To see other webinar’s of Christy’s go to her website 


Art work credit to Daniel Holeman at



Part 1 Magdalene and the Goddess and the Crop Circle


Part 2 Magdalene and the Goddess and the Crop Circle


Gifting Economy: There is a movement to create Sacred Economics which is based on the premise of giving and sharing without fear for the law of giving is that when you give you receive.  There are those who of you who have the means to support my work and if you feel guided to do so, I welcome your gifts of support of whatever you wish to gift to me.  Suggested costs: Sign up per $20 per webinar or 6 for - $100 



via Email payment to



​                    Below is the celebration of the Magdalene Feast Day.



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