Testimonial on past Enlightened Partnership Deeper Conversations:
I think having those couples who are IN the zone provides people the opportunity to see a new possibility beyond their own bubble. Your seminar has GREAT value Christy and I know others can greatly benefit. Hope it becomes the new “virus” and goes viral. The Love Bug!!!
Thank you for having me on.
Good to share that book!
People need it! - Jan Sara Jorgensen, Ph.D.
Dear Christy - this was absolutely amazing and beautiful.
I got so much out of it!
Many many thanks,
Love Coach Scott Catamas, joins with Priestess Christy Michaels and many beloved friends to...


Please share the flyer about our upcoming event on the Awakening World show 2-22.
2-22 Enlighten Partnership
This is the 15th year I have been involved in the exploration of Enlightened Partnerships.
I remember when I asked Barbara Marx Hubbard once
How can we create enlightened relationships?
She said she did not know as she was exploring that herself. But, she said if we do want to have enlightened relationships, we better get together with those who are authentically exploring how to create more conscious enlightened relationships and find out how it's going.
This year however is different in that people are polarized and some are anxious. I realized that an important component of Enlighten Partnerships is when each partner actively
pursues their own relationship with Spirit connecting in love,
getting higher conscious guidance and then
sharing that with their partner, community and the world.
We all on this Awakening World show also are a
part of this community and
value community.
For an enlightened community of people
dedicated to the exploration of
Higher Conscious
supports all of us
in having
Enlightened Partnerships.

Barbara Marx Hubbard, author of Conscious Evolution, said that if we want to have enlightened partnerships, then we best gather with those who are exploring how to make that happen and find out what they are learning.

The Astrology of this day.
Donations are appreciated. Please send money
Get webinar now
Discover where your relationship is weak or strong.
Get a live reading on your relationship from Michelle Grace
This recorded live discussion by a group of individuals/couples who live and practice some variation of the concepts in their relationships. The format is a zoom meeting has been uploaded later to my
Christy Michaels channel on youtube.com
Get webinar here now
The model we will discuss comes from the ideas presented to us from Barbara Marx Hubbard, author of Conscious Evolution, A Course in Miracles, and the relationship of Jesus and Mary as revealed in The Gospel of Mary Magdalene.
Music provided by Ari Moshe Wolfe
Send $10. Via PayPal www.paypal.com to magdalenegospel@gmail.com and the Zoom link will be sent to you.
Priestess Christy Michaels, M.A.
Joined with...
Darren Starwynn and Karen La Puma, Amanda Elo'esh Johnsen and Mathew Gamble, Aimee Lyndon-Adams and Victor Gold
Quana Ryals and Doug Waagon, Michele Newman and Eliahu Goodman, and
Jan Sara Jorgensen, Author , Melissa Sophia Joy, N.D. and Geej Mauriva,