Christy Michaels, M.A.

Watch the replay of the 2023
Magdalene Easter Moonrise Celebrations
Some of you had questions about how this Celebration related to Easter. I realize I need to take the time to explain the suppressed stories of the Divine Feminine that we are raising up that are connected to the Easter Story.
I was shocked that so many people do not understand what has been suppressed and more important why it is important for us to understand what has been suppressed. Reminds me of my favorite quote from Marguerite Rigoglioso, Ph.D.,
“To understand how much women have been disempowered,
we need to understand how much
the dismissal of the sacred feminine
has affected us.”
The root of this material comes from what has been suppressed. To explain all of this, during the celebration, would have added an hour to a 2 hour celebration.
It is amazing, how many people did not understand what were doing and how the information ties to the Magdalene Easter story.
I was hoping that the messages embedded in the Altar would be obvious as people walked by the Altar Stations, but apparently not, as this question came up for a number of you.
Here are the stories embedded in this evenings Celebration, which I do hope that you take the time to read the article below before you watch the edited replay and then it will become clear why I envisioned this ritual the way I did.
Our featured presenter, artist, Sue Ellen Parkinson ( was asked by Magdalene scholar, Kayleen Asbo, Ph.D. ( to paint the suppressed stories that her research had uncovered. Sue acknowledges Magdalene as a Jewish woman, which is a big problem as the Christians have demonized the Jewish people and used the Crucifixion as their excuse to do so, even though it was clear Jesus would not have wanted them to do so.
- Her art painted a different Magdalene:​
​The courageous one who stayed at the Cross,
The sovereign one who financed Jesus’s ministry and
​The one who worked in equal partnership with her beloved, and
The one who carried on his teachings as an Apostle to the Apostle.
The one who launched Christianity by his appearing to her and directing her to go forth and spread the good news.
The one who created a ministry in France.
In Sue’s painting, Magdalene is clearly a Jewish woman, evidenced by her writing the word PEACE in Hebrew in the sand on the shores of the south of France.
We want to heal the treatment of the Jewish people so I asked a number of Jewish friends and Priestesses to participate in our ceremony.
Andrea Lauren to bless the spikenard anointing oil in Hebrew.
Gary Malkin to sing Peace song Salomon.
Make the altars represent a multicultural influence that all cultures honor the Divine Feminine.
It is suppose to be Heaven on Earth not Heaven in the Heaven.

Prior Easter Celebrations

Top row
Nina Grae, Christy Michaels, Caroluna Michelson
2nd row
Jan Jorgensen, Elizabeth Kelley, Elyane Doughty, Anasuya Issac
Last row
Claire Magdalena, ILona Marshall, Scott Catamas, Santon de La Vie,
L. Shannon Andersen

Musicians, Singers, Dancers and Ritualists:
Musicians: Christine Tulis, harpist,
Singers: Nina Grae
Watch her sing at the Saturday Night Alive for the Global Peace Tribe on Saturday, April 3 at 6pm. Register for zoom link.
Ilumina Dancers:
Ilona Marshall, (no website)
Karen La Puma,
Celestine Star,
Andrea La Canela
Elizabeth Kelley of the Holy Order of Mary Magdalene, Mary Magdalene Gnosticism Holy Grail Alchemy Egyptian Mystery Schools (
Connie Viveros,Sponsor: Inspired Heart Foundation | Leadership Training for At Risk Women
Oshalla Dee, MC Arts Gallery & Collective (
Luminessa Enjara Luminessa Enjara's Personal Journey - THE NEW FEMININE MYSTIQUE
Michele NewmanSing Your Soul Song
Sacred Masculine:
Dan Craig-Morse, The Sophia Project – Reclaiming The Divine Spark Within
Eliahu Goodman,
Ari Moshe Wolfe
Scott Catamas
Executive producer, Santon de la Vie,
Thank you to our media producers:
Scott Catamas, founder of Love Coach Academy at
Debra Giusti, Wishing Well Production