Priestess Rev. Christiane "Christy" Michaels, M.A.

Photo by Jane Richey
Christiane Michaels', M.A. is an Ordained Priestess of the Lyceum of Sophia,
Christy as everyone calls her is devoted to spreading The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, especially as it is mirrored in A Course In Miracles. She has been a student of A Course In Miracles since the late 1990's. She lectures around the country, teaching from these two texts.
She also offers webinars on the Gospel of Mary and sacred circles based on the the teachings of A Course of Love. www.acourseoflove.com
In 2001, Elizabeth Kelley of the Holy Order of Mary Magdalene. first introduced Christy to a new story about Mary Magdalene. She became passionate about Magdalene and has traveled to England, Scotland and France studying and visiting many of the sacred sites devoted to Mary Magdalene.
It was while visiting the sacred sites devoted to Mary that she discovered why Magdalene felt so alive to her. She had signs, unmistakable signs along the way, one might call synchronicities, but there were too many meaningful coincidence with the same sign that it appeared that Mary was really present and encouraging Christy to assist in spreading her Gospel. She then went on to become ordained by both Elizabeth Kelley by Lady Olivia on 10-10-10 at Isis Oasis. The Holy Order of Mary Magdalene is an unbroken lineage of the first group of women ordained by Mary Magdalene herself. Until recently it was a secret order.
She now offers a variety of exploration into the mysteries of the Gospel of Mary Magdalene. in variety of classes. See upcoming events.
This a rich evening of deep resonate journey into the concepts outlined in the Gospel plus experiential ritual that allows one to deepen and integrate the concepts into the heart. Sweet with music, chanting, prayers this is a magical night not to be missed.
She also honors Mother Mary, as she had a profound and miraculous healing from the waters of the spring of the home of Mother Mary in Turkey, and is deeply grateful to Her for the end of her suffering.
Christy offers seminars in Marin County (S.F. Bay Area of Northern California)
Contact Christy for location of next seminar or to have a seminar in your area. Some of her topics are:
• The Biblical Prophecy of the Rise of Mary Magdalene--
A moonrise service to remember her.
• The Enlighten Partnership: What is Mary's secret?
• Ancient Awakenings - A Discourse on the Gospel of Mary Magdalene as it is Mirrored in A Course In Miracles.
• Why the Gospel of Mary has come to us now and the magical story of it's discovery.
Please visit our Gospel of Mary Fan page on Facebook and “like” our page which will help spread the awareness of her Gospel to your like-minded friends that she has her own Gospel.
To see what special events and classes are being offered go the book study events page called Gospel of Mary Magdalene Book Study Series
YouTube Channel is called Magdalene Impact
E-mail - magdalenegospel(at)gmail.com
(415) 879-0155.