The Magdalene Impact
Special classes where we start at the mountain top!
Two Upcoming Offerings:
Order a seminar package
Discover the Gospel of Mary (@$25 as single)
Order seminar package of 5 (@$100)
Understanding the ​
Secrets in the
Gospel of Mary Magdalene

In this first seminar of the series of 5,
Priestess Christy Michaels, M.A., a Magdalene Priestess, ordained by Priestess Elizabeth Kelley on 10-10-10 shares her research of the Gospel of Mary connections with Quantum physics research of people like Dr. Joe Dispenza and the Heartmath institute. These are exciting times where we have the ability to connect the dots of the work of modern science and ancient wisdom as found in the Gospel of Mary on the path of enlightenment and the awakening process. This insight reveals the importance of what Mary Magdalene accomplished and how it is relevant today.​
Seminar Series:
Dr Joe Dispenza meet Mary Magdalene
Discovery of Mary: The Suppression of Her and Her Gospel by Priestess Elizabeth Kelley
Ascension Map - Her Soul's journey to Her Awakening part 1
Her Soul's journey to Her Awakening part 2

Priestess Elizabeth Kelley
of the
Holy Order of Mary Magdalene
Discover the
Gospel of Mary Magdalene:
with Priestesses:
Elizabeth Kelley of the Holy Order of
Mary Magdalene
Christy Grace Michaels, M.A.
This journey contains material that is of such a high vibration that people feel like they are catapulted to the mountain top. We will explore:
Why was her Gospel suppressed and
Why is she continuing to be suppressed?
What are they afraid of?
Hard as they tried, how is it that they were unable to suppress her Gospel?
Why is she such a powerful model of Feminine leadership?
What concepts were mirrored in both texts?
Discovery of the Gospel of Mary Discovering the Gospel of Mary in Egypt 2023 Magdalene Gospel Series of 5 seminars. This seminar series explores the mystery and what was suppressed (literally buried) surrounding the Gospel of Mary. The first in the series of 5 is taught by Priestess of Mary Magdalene, Christy Michaels, M.A. who is joined with Priestess Elizabeth Kelley of the Holy Order of Mary Magdalene to discuss the discovery of her gospel in Egypt. This exploration deepens our awareness of the sacred. Buried in a early first century Coptic Christian church wall, we get the feeling that this was done so one day you will discover her gospel and her teachings. Our ancestors were obviously concerned that you might not discover this valuable document. But why? How does this benefit you?
Seminar Leaders:
Priestess Christy Michaels, M.A.
an Ordained Priestess of the Lyceum of Sophia. Christy as everyone calls her is devoted to spreading The Gospel of Mary Magdalene, especially as it is mirrored in A Course In Miracles. She has been a student of A Course In Miracles since the late 1990's. She lectures around the country, teaching from these two texts.
She also offers webinars on the Gospel of Mary and sacred circles based on the the teachings of A Course of Love. www.acourseoflove.com

Priestess Elizabeth Kelley of the
Holy Order of Mary Magdalene
will be joining us to shed insight into her understanding of the beauty,depth and richness of the Gnostic path.
Elizabeth Kelley is recognized as a renown independent scholar of the Magdalene Mysteries. Her dedication to research and deep insights lead to her ordination in 1994 as priestess in the ancient and exclusive Holy Order of Mary Magdalene.
More information: https://mmagdalene.org
Mary Magdalene, Why her rising power is important for you. Mary Magdalene, Why her rising power is important for you. Some women are awakening to what we missed out on by not being taught what empowered her. Why do some feel she is so important when she lived so long ago? What did we miss out on? Want to feel more empowered? We are awakening to what we missed out on by not being taught what empowered her.
Study her mastery outlined in her Gospel in 2 hour seminar you can study at your own pace. If you wish to purchase an individual class for $25 Text Christy at 415-879-0155. The package of 5 seminars is $100 and covers:
How Dr. Joe Dispenza’s science prove out Magdalene’s experience in the Gospel of Mary.
Discovery of the Gospel of Mary in Egypt with Priestess of the Holy order of Mary Magdalene and Egyptian scholar. Dec.14 (REPLAY Available)
Mystery behind the content of the Gospel of Mary; what was suppressed and how A Course In Miracle explains her Gospel.
Ascension Map of Magdalene's soul journey and the details of the steps to ascension.
Most people want to be empowered to live a happy successful life. Everyone has heard about Magdalene. Few understand why she is so powerful and what that has to do with them or how learning about who she was is so empowering!
Our first class we will cover the research done by Dr. Joe Dispenza’s science shows that Magdalene was a conscious awaken fully human, fully realized being, who has already demonstrated what Dr. Joe Dispenza is discovering.
We were not taught as children the steps Magdalene took for her own awakening as outlined in her soul journey in the Gospel of Mary because this information was suppressed. Part of the consequences for women:
Women just lost the Equal Rights Amendment so we cannot be paid equal pay for equal work...Why? This should not be.
Women just lost Roe vs Wade...what is next—the right to use contraception?
Empowerment…women are hungry for it. We have lost much from not learning about her awakening process for she offered us an empowered model of a sovereign being. Her awakening process was suppressed to us, until recently.
Priestess Christy Michaels and Priestess Elizabeth Kelley of the Holy Order of Mary Magdalene will share our journey in our discovery of Mary Magdalene and the importance of her Gospel.
Why does it matter? Consider these points:
-Gospel of Mary makes it clear she was empowered leader of the apostles,
-We are shown examples of what an incredibly powerful leader she was in a feminine way.
- She demonstrated Yeshua’s teachings based on Quantum physics.
- Yeshua genius was that he appeared to her at his resurrection to prove how important woman are.
- Magdalene embodies the Holy Sophia (the wisdom of God)
The Gospel of Mary contains important insights into the awakening process for us that are relevant to seekers of truth today.
· Those who yearn for inner peace and true spiritual awakening,- We call you the forerunner’s of Mary.
o Mary can guide you from beyond the veil because
She has left us the knowledge encoded in her Gospel.
Those who read her Gospel develop the eyes to see and the ears to hear.
o She presents us with a living demonstration that we missed out being raised with.
o We as a human species are just now beginning to understand what she and Mother Mary were able to accomplish.
o What are you meant to accomplish?
Enough of the puzzle pieces have been revealed from the fragments of parchments that the breadcrumbs left and hidden now form a whole loaf which you can partake of if you are ready?
Costs: seminar package $100 or
individual seminar $25
RSVP for the Seminar package
Priestess Christy Michaels
of the Lyceum of the
Holy Sophia
Third seminar:
Gospel of Mary Class covers the basic principles of the Gospel of Mary. The Gospel has missing pages however I discover that the Gospel of Mary is mirrored in A Course In Miracles. Where sections are missing regarding points that the Gospel of Mary makes, A Course In Miracles goes on to explain what is being expressed by Mary Magdalene.
Fourth seminar:
2024 Gospel of Mary class on Map of Ascension, first level. I am so grateful for your interest in going deeper into the teaching of the Gospel of Mary. I will be sharing some of my mystical experiences and my near-death experience as it relates to my understanding about the soul journey as Magdalene tries to explain to the disciples how we ascend. Unfortunately, the disciples do not understand what she is trying to share. To aid in this understanding of how we go through an ascension process, I used a number of different models that I found helpful to me to deepen my own understanding of what is being asked of us. Enjoy!
Fifth seminar:
2024 Gospel of Mary (out of 5) Soul Journey In-ascension. Priestess Christy Michaels, M.A. shares her mystical meditative experiences around understanding the souls journey of ascension which happens at this level from within. Much effort was made to suppress the knowledge of Mary Magdalene's empowerment...dare I say enlightenment. The definition of enlightened is being spiritually aware...conscious. She is the living demonstration of Grace. It was her Grace resurrecting her as a true leader that inspired the disciples to go forth and spread the gospel. The word gospel means good news. According to the Gospel of Mary she rose up as the leader of the men who follow Christ, to spread the Gospel, The Gospel According to Mary for this is what the Teacher taught her. Peace be with you.
"I have had a longing to know more about Mary Magdalena and where She was in the story of Jesus and found what I was hoping for. The facilitator, Priestess Christy Michaels was not only articulate but brought to us part of our forgotten her-story as to this woman [Magdalene's life and] light. Women need to know this.
Additional information was given by Priestess Elizabeth Kelley, which I found to be both inspiring and enlightening.
As women we need to stand together and recognize that we hold the key to the mysteries and it is women like the ones who presented the workshop bring that awareness to us. This is a presentation I highly recommend. It was well worth the afternoon I spent learning all of this.
Sincerely yours,
Elaine B. Holtz
Producer/Radio Talk show Host Women’s Spaces
A fascinating presentation! Christy draws a parallel between Dr. Joe Dispenza's philosophy which is based on Quantum Physics and modern science, and Mary Magdalene's message as found in the Gospel of Mary. It's a match and it's pretty amazing! Christy gives us a lot to chew on here. Highly recommended. - Gailya Magdalena
Thank you. You have touched my heart. I am grateful. - Ruth Viriginia
Thank you very much Christy, for the way you discover this lost teachings that are very profound probably is meant to be that way because now you are sharing her teaching and I feel very connected with Mary Magdalene, in a long time I went to Half Moon Bay beach and I found a drawing in a big rock and it was Mary Magdalene about 3 weeks ago on July 3 2022, and now for the first time I'm hearing you talking about her, besides that I been fallowing Joe Dispenza work for a long time I use his meditation work and practice them, this is a miracle or a respond the teacher just came to me. Thank you again . - Karina Linares
Christy Michaels, M.A.